
Instrumental Rock Star

So you wanna be a rock star? Tyson does. Actually, Tyson is. He is an extremely talented musician, extraordinary human being and one of the most intelligent, sincere and caring individuals I know. He is an all around great guy and I consider myself lucky to have him as a friend. (And ladies, he's single!!) So anyway, Tyson is coming out with an album, The Difference Engine, that should be available in late summer and here are some of the photos from the album shoot, some of which are obviously just for fun.

For the record, Tyson hates this picture. He says that he has a "big, goofy grin" but Farah and I completely disagree. It may not be an album cover photo but it's definitely a good one of him smiling. What do you think?


At 21.7.06, Blogger Ryan articulated...

Great pics. I am a Tyson Wright Explostion groupie myself. The last pic is nice, I agree. Too happy for an album cover, but overall it captured a good smile.

At 22.7.06, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

First of all, Cory, I want you to know what a really GREAT photogapher you are! You should think about doing it professionally.
The last 6 pictures of Tyson were my favorites...and the very last one was absolutely the best one. What an awesome smile he has. Makes ya wanna go up to him and start a conversation. But, of course, I would think so cuz I am his Mom. I do absolutely agree with you Cory about what a really great person he is. His Father and I are so proud to be able to call him our son. Thank for doing such a great job taking Ty's pictures.

At 27.7.06, Blogger Eric articulated...

My favorites are the smile photo, and a couple of the black and white guitar-playing shots. Cool stuff!

At 1.8.06, Blogger LadyHAHA articulated...

I like the one of him smiling the best! He looks so sweet.. but I'm thinking he doesn't want to look "sweet." unless he plans on regrouping with 98 Degrees.

Nick Lachey and your friend.

That's hot. ;D


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