

There are so many agendas out there. This week, it was “Let’s get Cory back to church.” A phone conversation with a friend from the past caused me to reflect on the superficial world I was once a part of. Constantly carrying with me an invitation to church on the tip of my tongue and looking for opportunities to share the good news—this is the world I once knew. It was us and them. I was safe and comfortable, sheltered from the outside world, and driven by ulterior motives, the agenda. This old friend of mine, rather than take the time to reconnect and reestablish relationship, fired away at the target I carry with me: backslidden-Christian. I cannot blame him for I once would have done the same; I do realize that the intentions here are good to a certain extent. But this experience reminded me of a time in my life that I made people projects and rushed into sharing my faith without really valuing relationship—the person. This week, I reflected upon “the old me” versus “the new me” and got a taste of what it was like to be targeted. I’m thankful for the opportunity to think and rethink a lot of my personal beliefs, life decisions, and the way that I want to relate to people. Interesting conversation came about and I expect to do some more thinking on the subject as I process my thoughts. I am a work in progress even today.

Is this what you see?

Am I a target? Am I a project?

Who do you think I am?

You too, buddy.


Thanks to Dan for helping me out.

UPDATE 6/16: Much of what I said here is open to interpretation especially to those who do not know me or at one time did. Keep in mind that this is an expression of some things that are going on in my life. Please do not take offense. I ask that rather than coming to conclusions on your own, by all means, ask me to clarify and I will. I prefer the direct approach. Enough said. Thank you.


At 11.6.06, Blogger House of Grace articulated...

It sounds like we've been having some similar thoughts. Earlier this weekend I put up a couple links to some video clips that make a similar point in a post titled, "Is the Message Relevant, Diluted, or Altogether Distorted?". I think you might laugh well at them with me.
House of Grace

At 12.6.06, Blogger mbeano articulated...

Dude were you're feet targeted? Are those Jesus Sandals? oh wait, they are probably more roman huh? :P

I know the feeling

At 12.6.06, Blogger mbeano articulated...

damn it... is just used "you're" in the wrong way. I dont think I mke that mistake often. The grammer police needs to target me

At 12.6.06, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

Am I being targeted by the fashion police now? Wait. Are you friends with Carson? ;) My sandals aren't that bad, are they? (Don't answer if your answer is yes.

House of Grace, I think that you and I share some of the same frustrations when it comes to the way that people misrepresent. I'm glad to have you as a friend. I appreciate you understanding me. Thank you for not being one of them. I'll definitely check out the videos clips you posted, A and B.

At 12.6.06, Blogger Eric articulated...

Interesting post, Cory. I've felt like someone's "project" before myself. It's such a turn-off, and sometimes an insult, when someone is not at all interested in who you really are, only what they want you to be.

Concept photos are cool. I like that you explore your thoughts and ideas through photography.

At 12.6.06, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

Uh-oh....am I one of them?? Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Cory. I know you are thinking and working things out for yourself. I'll just pray and be quiet. Semi-quiet.
Love you.

At 13.6.06, Blogger LadyHAHA articulated...

Aaaah I love it.

especially the picture of the target and "the birds."

Religion is between you and the big guy, everyone finds their own way and their own path. And its never accomplished through browbeating and judgement.

All those who guilt trip about religion are merely the telemarketers of the faith.

Annoying, ineffective.

At 13.6.06, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

Oh yeah, the good ol' target. I never it like it when I am a target either, although I do admit that I like to talk to the guys in the white shirts and skinny black ties who knock on the door.

I think Eric had a solid comment on this post. When people simply will only be friendly because they want something from us, especially when it is a conversion so to speak of religious belief, that is so twisted and manipulative and really paints a crooked picture of what love is like ('cuz that's not it). What a turn off!!!

Sometimes good intentions just don't come across that well just as your friend called you. I suppose this is true especially when the effect is that the person feels skipped over so that the "real" conversation can occur.

Interesting that so many who commented have had similar experiences. This would be a good conversation to have over drinks. Ah, that would be nice to take off of work and have conversation... Maybe another day...

At 13.6.06, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

House of Grace, the videos totally made me laugh! Thanks. Where the heck did you find those anyway?! :)

Eric, you'ld be a great guy only if... Say, what are you doing for Christmas this year? We're having a party with a bunch of friends... ;) Yeah, I remember that one. It's easy to smell an agenda. What it comes down to is this: we can hope for change in those around and be a light in the dark, so to speak, but any interaction needs to be about the person, not the agenda. I've had too many conversations with people who don't listen. It's like, "Yeah. That's great. So what are you doing on Sunday?" But anyway, dude, we should do some concept photography the next time we're down in LA. I'd love to see what a professional can do!

Mom, thank you for being supportive. I know that it's hard for you to watch from the sidelines but I do appreciate the space to grow on my own. I am open to discuss things from time to time so please don't feel like you can't talk things out with me. But not all the time, okay! ;) And for the record, no, you are not one of them. I love you too! :)

Right on, Elaine! Too many people see "a way" as "the way" and get all preachy about it. I think you're right in saying that it's the choice of the individual. On a side note, if you're not already, I sure hope that you get picked up by a magazine or newspaper. You're such a talented writer. Although I don't comment much on your blog I read it all the time; your site tracker may have already told you this! I really get a kick out of your everyday observations and celebrity commentaries. Funny stuff, Elaine!

At 13.6.06, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

Well said, Ryan. While the targeted individual might walk away feeling turned off, insulted, or even invalidated as a person, it is important to recognize that many of these people sharing their faith have misplaced emotions. They are excited about something and as a result jump all over you. Is it okay to approach people this way? No. But I think that we all have a responsibility to be understanding and give leeway as much as we can, keeping in mind that we are all works in progress--growing and learning from our mistakes all of the time. And "targeting" is not just limited to religious recruitment. I'm sure that you can tell me some things that I do that leave you feeling like you want to give me the birdie. To list a few that come to mind, 1) Recycling at the recycle center instead of giving it back to the city, 2) Washing your car (hee-hee), 3) Not wearing certain T-shirts ;)! I'm sure that you can think of better examples that I'd love to hear sometime. We should talk more about this over a couple of drinks. And you know, I'm also a big fan of talking to the Jehova's and the bicycle missionaries. Gotta love 'em!

At 14.6.06, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

Hello Cory, its me Dustin. Its been quite a while! I have been meaning to write to you for some time, but as time passed it just got harder and harder to do. I am really sorry.

I am still in Japan (in fact at school right now!), and as you can see my English skills (read:skillz) are still in slow decline. I like to think that I am transcending language, thus showing that I have also forgotten the meaning of "transcending".

I read your post, and it was quite interesting. Now I as a devout Christian minister, must denounce your stance. Why dont you believe our book of 2000 year old Jewish myths? It says in our book "Thou shalt go to Church on Sunday, and there give money." (Gospel of Thomas 3:22)

Well, I am sure you will come around like I have one day. Good post, and I am always checking up on your blog! Dont fall into "Bad Faith"!

At 15.6.06, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

Father Dustin! You need not worry for I am already what I will be. I take refuge in my reflection.

It’s great to hear from you man!! We totally miss you and talk about you (only bad things) from time to time. ;) I wish that we could have you over for dinner or something but it would be a heck of a commute all the way from Saitama. So how are you man? I hope that we can see you out here in the West someday. You know, (obviously my English has not graduated from the 12 step program either—still in rehab! The Japanese just love saying “you know” and I am a victim of “Bad English.”) I still think that you need to put your www.minister’s license to good use. Honestly, as the devout minister that I know you are, I could totally see you standing in as the token foreigner minister for Japanese weddings. $$$. But then again, that might not be such a great idea after all. I could somehow see you convincing the couples not to get married. “This is your last chance to run. Are you sure you want to do this, Takeshi? Ayako? You can leave as easily as you came! Life awaits you beyond those doors.” ;)

Thanks for leaving a comment, Dustin. It really was nice to hear from you. I can see your evil grin as you quoted from the book of Thomas (haha) and warned me of falling into “Bad Faith.” That is the Dustin we miss! Take it easy man.


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