
Feeling Kind of Fruity

It's that time of year again. Grapefruit season! And how lucky we are to have scored a bunch of grapefruit--30 to be exact--from some guy who didn't want all of his grapefruit to go to waste. Before the ground beneath his grapefruit tree became completely covered with fruit that would never be eaten, and before you can say, "Man, what a waste that would be," I replied to his post on Craigslist under free stuff. He sent me his address and an invitation to pick fruit this afternoon and we were there in a flash. So it's time to bust out the juicer and shochu and make some Grapefruit Sour Cocktails(グレープフルーツサワー), which are freshly-squeezed, do-it-yourself cocktails--one of my favorites from the days in Japan. It's a fun drink and looks like this (before you add it to the glass):

Free stuff is cool! Speaking of which, somebody gave us a car (yes, a real one) today!!! I'll post something about that later though. Things are looking up, I suppose. It just goes to show you that when all kinds of bad stuff is happening, you never know what is waiting for you around the corner. There just might be a bag of fruit and a car! ha


At 21.1.06, Blogger Eric articulated...

A free car?! Fill us in soon, Cory- I'd love to know about it.

Congrats on that and the grapefruit. The drink looks refreshing and I'd like to try it sometime. And you're right- free stuff is cool!

At 22.1.06, Blogger Tyson articulated...

I didn't know Ikea sold grapefruit!

At 22.1.06, Blogger Ryan articulated...


If you have any to spare, Jen would love some. And I will conquer my judgement over grapefruit by trying some. I just didn't grow up eating it, so it reminds me of how I didn't used to like brocoli because I thought that brocoli was bad for so many years until I tried it at a later time (well, and Velveeta cheese helped too).

At 26.1.06, Blogger Mike articulated...

WOW free fruit n a car...

Too bad I read your blog too late. I never got to call you "shitperson". Its better that way i guess. But you know I would call you that nonstop.

What's the opposite word?

At 27.1.06, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

Man, I really have to post something about the car so that all of you guys can see it; but without a picture I can't post a blog, can I? ;) Ryan did see the car this morning and said that it looks like something that a great grandmother would drive. I tend to agree but am sure glad to have it! Light blue with ugly rims, a car is a car, right?!

Mbeano, dude, I'm glad that you stopped by!! Do you have a blog on this thing? I clicked on the link and got a NOT FOUND message...

Hey, call me whatever you'ld like, Mike. After all, a shitperson is a shitperson! The obvious opposite of s.p. would be p.p. but if we think about the meaning it would be "Lucky guy" or something like that. Which one are you so far this year? Lucky guy, I hope.


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