
Can You Hear Me Now?

Today's advice: be sure to check your pockets before you do a load of wash. You never know what might be hiding deep down inside! Yes, I did it. I washed my cell phone along with my shirts, pants, and underwear. All came clean and shine like never before but for some reason my phone doesn't seem to be working! I can't imagine why. So, folks, I will be without a cell phone for a short while. Fortunately, forty minutes submerged in soapy water wasn't enough to ruin the chip inside of my phone; so as soon as I get my hands on a new phone, I'll be able to plug it in and use it right away. In fact, I will be doing that from time to time with Farah's phone so that I can check my messages! It's amazing how this technology works. Anyway, if you need to reach me, you can either call me on Farah's phone or send me an email. And hey, if anybody has any old phones that can house my chip, I would love to talk with you about working something out! Friends, don't forget to check your pockets!!!


At 13.1.06, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

Hey Cory,

I got a Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W7. Actually I have no idea about how to buy camera. I did some search online, and they had good deal during the holiday season. And that's how I chose which camera to buy!! (Kind of silly, I think...)

If you are interesting.. you can go check out my photos at http://photo.youthwant.com.tw/album_index.php?ac=ANRELAN&u=192131
only the OKC NMP were taken with the new camera, others were taken with my 5 years old 2.3M pixels HP camera!!

I just realized that I know you from Farah's Chinese Diary, but I never talked to Farah. Huh....

Tacke care!!!~^^~

At 13.1.06, Blogger Ryan articulated...

I'll let you know about the phone a little later. Feel free to remind me though too as there is much on my mind and I have a sick wife and baby duty today.

At 13.1.06, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

Hi, Lan. How are you? It looks like you got yourself a nice camera. Way to go! I used to have a Cybershot camera very similiar to that. You can actually do quite a bit with it in focusing and manual settings, more so than many other point and shoot digital cameras, and the lens should be pretty decent as well. All of the photos on my site before February of 2005 were taken with a Cybershot camera. Then once you hit February it's all Nikon from there. One thing that I like about Sony cameras is that they are user-friendly and pretty functional for their size. I think that it's a great camera for the price. I can already see a huge difference in your photos. You have some nice reflection shots. For now, enjoy your Sony and then upgrade to a digital SLR someday! :)

Yeah, you and Farah have never really "talked" online before, huh!

Ryan, I'm sorry to hear that Jenny is sick. I hope that she feels better soon. If you need anything from me, let me know, okay. And thanks for the phone offer. Let me know if you find anything with a charger and a chip! Thanks, yo!

At 13.1.06, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

Dude. My black razor just endured a similar ordeal New Years Eve. It had been raining all day and somehow I managed to drop my phone in directly in the water swollen gutter. An hour and half and multiple Anna-call-my-phone-maybe-I-will-be-able-to-hear-it calls I found it... lifeless, digitally limp, completely submerged, in the gutter.

I took it apart and dried with a hair dryer with no luck. So I resolved to enjoy me evening despite it...

Well, when I got home early New Years morning, I tried again and the freaking thing worked... and still works.

I love this phone.

At 13.1.06, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

Cool, Kevin! Your phone must really like you to come back to life like that! That's awesome. Maybe there is still hope for my phone then? But I wonder if my little photo shoot in the sink yesterday after work pushed it over the top. Well, I was skating on thin ice as it was anyway; the hopes of my phone coming out of it were slim to none at best. I figured that I might as well have a picture to go along with the memory! Maybe I shouldn't do that again and give it some more time to dry out...

At 14.1.06, Blogger Ryan articulated...

Wow, phone resurrections. What a phenomenon. Good luck Cory.


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