

At approximately 12:34 in the morning I was reminded of the perfect word to describe the all too many unfortunate events that have cropped up lately. Sairan (屎人). It's a Taiwanese word comprised of two characters: shit () and person (). And the meaning is exactly that, shit person! This is a term used to describe a person who has "shit" happening to them all the time; hence, shit person. And I think that this is a pretty good word to describe me lately--the car window, cell phone incident, and now this door knob thing! Oh, that's what I have to explain to you.

So I got up for a quick trip to the bathroom at 12:34 last night (early this morning, actually) and I reached for the bedroom door and of all the unexpected things that could have happened, with no other explanation other than I am a sairan, the door knob fell off! Just like that, I turned the knob and it fell to the floor. It may not sound like a big deal but it is, because without it I was locked in the bedroom! I just wanted to go pee and get back to counting sheep. Why, oh, why does this shit happen to me?!

Without tools and a bladder that was ready to explode, my attempt to somehow reattach the knob was simply not working. Taking the hinges off the door with a pair of scissors, swiping a credit card through to somehow unjam the door, and trying everything else that one can think of doing in the middle of the night didn't move the door an inch. So to make a long story short, I had to climb out of my bedroom window in the rain--not a safe thing to do because it's pretty high up and all wet outside--and go over to the property manager's place--barefoot and in my PJ's. I did eventually get the door unlocked but not without a fight with the property manager. That, I will not talk about here. It was ugly and I am trying to forget that it even happened. A late night it was last night!

When they say that shit happens, they aren't kidding. I'm really tired of being a sairan. I could really use a stroke of luck here. Only so many bad things can happen before something good comes along, right? Now is the time for something good!!!

DISCLAIMER: (1) sairan is not a nice word so don't use it. (2) sorry for using so much harsh language tonight. (3) and, as self-deprecating as I may sound in this blog, that is not the case at all. Okay? So just laugh with me if you will! How about some knob jokes? Oh, and no animals were hurt in the creation of this blog! ha


At 19.1.06, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

Hey Cory,

I laughed... I know I shouldn't, but I did. I was just like you at the end of last year!! My car crashed, TV and laptop AC adaptor burned out, then my computer crushed...

I think Farah should be familiar with something in Taiwan that we called "安太歲"!! Something you do at the temple to bless you a smooth and safe year!! Normally you do it when it is your year, for example, I am a dog, and this is dog year, then I have to go 安太歲! (when you turn 12, 24, 36, 48...) Since you had such bad luck, maybe you should go do one too.

Oh.. by the way, I am glad you learn some Taiwanese!!

GOOD LUCK, you need some!!

At 19.1.06, Blogger Ryan articulated...

So were you able to wait to go to the bano or did you have to use a cup or bush? Ops, is this asking for too much information? :)

At 19.1.06, Blogger Eric articulated...

Hey Cory,

What a drag. I'm trying to come up with a clever joke about doorknobs, but nothing comes to mind. At least, nothing funny comes to mind.

You've certainly had a string of bad luck of late, but hang in there! Just try to stay postive- it's the "key" to happiness. Yes, a feeble attempt, but I tried. ;)

At 23.1.06, Blogger Rebecca Hong articulated...

LOL, i am taiwanese and i know the meaning of the word sairan. Man, stinks to be be the sairan (no pun intended).

Maybe it's time to rub buddah's belly? j/k

At 27.1.06, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

Lan, yes, it is great that I'm expanding my vocabulary with such uplifting/ useful words, huh! What are you doing for Chinese New Year?

Ryan, it was either pee on a pile of a bunch of clothes or pee out the window. Both ideas crossed my mind. And fortunately I made it out the window to the bushes before I had to resort to such measures. Thanks for asking.

Yes, Eric, that is the key (nice pun) and S.P., you're totally right about this being a stinky situation! haha Myabe I should give Buddha's belly a rub or two.


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