
birthday week


At 6.10.06, Blogger Ryan articulated...

Nice. I dig the pics. And the Price is Right photo is classic.

At 10.10.06, Blogger Ryan articulated...

Nice new profile pic.

At 12.10.06, Blogger Tyson articulated...

I have finally achieved it - my head appears to be almost perfectly spherical.

At 13.10.06, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

Thanks, Ryan.

Tyson, I think you're right. ;)

At 13.10.06, Blogger Ryan articulated...

Nice pic, Cory. And Tyson, maybe a Halloween costume?

At 24.10.06, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

How can the picture of Bob Barker on a small t.v. on a plane be so...COOL looking???

You're a genius my man.

- its elaine..I forgot my blogspot password.



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