
The Bathroom Window

For first-time visitors to my granparent's home, the bathroom window is just plain creepy, and I suppose that remains a true statement for the rest of us as well. Between the two bathrooms upstairs lays this window that is obviously some kind of an architectural fluke; light from the adjacent bathroom shines in through this fogged window in the otherwise windowless bathroom. And don't get me wrong, it's nice to have light, of course, but light also has the tendency to reflect or shadow certain objects. When both bathrooms are occupied, you'll see something like this:

Ewww! It's a silhouette of a person. "Can that person see me?" "Wait a second, I recognize who that is." "Are they peeing?" "Oh, my god. Did they just get out of the shower? He/ she is naked!" Yes, these are only some of the things you might think when using the upstairs bathrooms.

So, Farah and I decided to have a little fun and did this:

And now a look from the other side:

Is it just us or is this window, perhaps, a little misplaced?

I don't know about you but this just freaks me out!


At 13.10.05, Blogger Ryan articulated...

Some of the pics look creepy. I never understood what the builder/designer was thinking when they did this. But if a fire started in the staircase, you could always opt to break out the window to the other bathroom for safety.

At 16.10.05, Blogger Matthew Vernie Liam articulated...

rad....and creepy. i want one of those in my house. hehehe


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