
Our House

Here is a quick shot of our new apartment. The landlord just called and told me that it's ours and that we can move in on the first of the month!!! We're so excited! What do you think?


At 14.9.05, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

It's a good Sacramento vibe sort of house as it has an older Victorian style to it. Very cool. Congrats.

At 15.9.05, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

We really wanted to have something with a Sacramento feeling to it, so we couldn't ask for more! It's perfect! You guys will definitely have to come over for some Chinese!!!! Thanks for everything, Ryan!

At 15.9.05, Blogger Ryan articulated...

Cory, I have a blog now with blogger. Just wanted you to know. Hasta.

At 16.9.05, Blogger Ryan articulated...

I saw your new house last night. Dan & I were hanging out and we drove by. Very cool.

At 16.9.05, Anonymous Anonymous articulated...

Way to go, Cory and Farah. The place looks awesome. It will be great to have you both in Sac-town!

At 16.9.05, Blogger coryandfarah articulated...

Thanks!! Yeah, we'll have to have a house warming party when we get settled! And you're all invited, of course!


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